Explore the captivating world of the Archer, a fascinating project centered around the launch of the Archer Midnight, a colossal hybrid aircraft. Initially conceived as a video project, it seamlessly transitions into still images, allowing for unified color grading across both mediums and ensuring a cohesive storytelling experience. The uniqueness of the subject matter afforded us the opportunity to play with unconventional colors, infusing the visuals with captivating violet hues rarely seen in such projects. This creative freedom extended to the images, particularly during sunrise and sunset shoots, where we embraced tones of pink and purple, enhancing the sky to add depth and intrigue to the scenes. Despite the challenges posed by complex shooting conditions, including cleaning up cluttered airport terminals and enhancing skies, the project was a testament to our ability to transform mundane settings into visually stunning backdrops. Through meticulous attention to detail and strategic color choices, we breathed life into the Archer Midnight, infusing each frame with character and allure. Dive into a world where innovation meets imagination with Archer, a testament to the power of creativity and craftsmanship.