The Last Bad Idea Short Film was a unique endeavor initiated by two brothers who embarked on the journey of creating their own car and traversing the United States from west to east, California to New York. The documentation of this journey involved various contributors, resulting in a hybrid film blending elements of documentary and promotional material. Our task was to manage the grading process for this complex project. The challenge stemmed from the multitude of sources. We had to work with footage ranging from iPhone videos to MP4 files, JPEGs, and RAW files, requiring careful coordination to maintain coherence across all sources. This complexity was particularly evident in drone shots captured in MP4 format, which posed additional difficulties due to limited dynamic range. However, the hybrid nature of the film allowed for creative flexibility in crafting a cohesive atmosphere that suited its eclectic style. Our focus was on harmonizing the visuals rather than imposing a specific aesthetic, a task that required meticulous attention to detail and several days of intensive work to ensure seamless continuity among the numerous shots. Despite the challenges, we are proud of the final result, which was well-received and even earned awards and nominations. It remains an intriguing project to work on, and we continue to promote its success.